A Beautiful Saying: "The love of ALLAH is like an ocean; You can see the beginning, but not the end..."

February 16, 2012

Best Birthday Wishes To Your Husband

©       You are the person who gave me life, love you so much. Happy Birthday Dear.

©       I always wish this pleasure and happiness you have on this day never fade away, always be happy.

©       May God shower His countless blessings on you, May you always be happy.

©       I am nothing without you, always be with me my life.Love you my life.

©       I was just empty, You filled .me with your love and affection.Love you so much.

©       Due to you, I always feel myself safe and confindant. Thanks for being with me.

©       All my search of an ideal ended,you are ideal to me.

©       I always pay gratitude to God for sending you in my life.

©       You always care about me, my wishes, my problems. You are the only one for whom my life is nothing.

©       I always feel indebted for so much love and care you gave me. Happy Birthday my Love.

©       Even in dire circumstance, you always stand with me. No words to express your love.

©       I always feel myself in circle of your love,never leave me, always be with me.

©       I am blessed for having such caring and loving Husband, Love you so much.

©       I always wish that all your worries and problems be mine, and all my pleasures and joys be yours.Happy Birthday Sweet Heart.

©       I always feel myself fly in deep sky, May our love never let dry. Love you Dear.